About CPF Sector 7

About Us

Who We Are

Krugersdorp Sector 7 CPF is a community-based organisation that is led by a committee of volunteers. Through our SMS and radio networks we respond not only to criminal activity but also medical emergencies and distress calls.

Sector 7 includes Noordheuwel extensions, Kenmare extension 4, Noordkruin, and Rangeview.

Meetings are held at the AFM Church on the corner of Libertas Street and Hoffnaar Road in Noordheuwel x4, on the first Thursday of every month at 19:00.

Our Vision

To facilitate a partnership between the local community and the SAPS. By creating an environment that promotes effective local policing that is user friendly and efficient, whilst recommending SAPS measures to accomplish this.

Our Mision

To ensure the safety of all people within the jurisdiction of the Krugersdorp Police Station, through community involvement and the rendering of professional services.

Involvement With The South African Police Service

Assisting The South African Police Service (SAPS) in crime prevention operations.
Assisting The South African Police Service (SAPS) with roadblocks

Involvement In The Community

Ad hoc operations with community to identify crime elements and hotspots.
Ad hoc fund raising and publicity events.


Our Constitution

This Forum is established in the terms of Article 215 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and Chapter 7 Articles 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 of Act No. 68 of 1995 of the South African Police Services, provision is made for establishing a Community Police Forum to serve the community within the boundaries of the Krugersdorp policing jurisdiction.

About Us

Our Objectives

The Krugersdorp Sector 7 Community Police Forum is a volunteer group dedicated to protecting the community members in Krugersdorp Sector 7. Sector 7 includes the following areas: Noordheuwel extensions, Kenmare extension 4, Noordkruin, and Rangeview.

CPF Activities

Adhoc operations to remove crime elements

Monthly general meetings

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