Daily Incident Report – Date: 31 October 2024

The following incident/s were reported:

  1. A suspicious whiskey male with a white Ford Ranger (no REG:#) was parked in front of Builders Warehouse, Valley View Centre, cnr Valley View Road and Robert Broom Drive, Noordheuwel. A Patroller and RO responded; vehicle left. All in order.
    (Time of incident: 15h30)
  2. Road rage between the drivers of a bakkie and a motorcycle occurred at Valley View Shopping Centre, cnr Valley View Road and Robert Broom Drive Noordheuwel. The bakkie chased the motorbike down van Oordt Street. Patrollers responded. The vehicles left the area.
    (Time of incident: 18h10)
  3. There were loud noises (gun shots) reported, in Noordheuwel and Rangeview. A resident confirmed it was firecrackers as it’s Diwali. Patrollers and RO’s were notified.
    (Time of incident: 21h00)

Please report any incidents to SAPS and our CPF office at: 072 425 0121 for any assistance and forward your SAPS case number to the CPF Office for record keeping. This will assist Patrollers and RO’s when making an arrest and possibly link the suspects with other crimes.

Kind regards,
CPF Sector 7

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