The following incident/s were reported:
- Two suspicious whiskey males loitered in Crossberry Street and then continued towards Leadwood Street, Rangeview. A RO responded. They were escorted out of the area.
(Time of incident: 09h45) - A group of bravo males were using alcohol in public next to Brians’ Supermarket on Van Oordt Street, Noordheuwel. Patrollers and RO’s were notified.
Time of incident: 12h10) - Gunshots (unconfirmed) were heard near Die Draadkameel on Robert Broom Drive, Noordheuwel. No further reports were received.
(Time of incident: 21h45) - An attempted burglary occurred at the KFC next to Noordheuwel Shopping Centre on Robert Broom Drive, Noordheuwel. SAPS, Patrollers and RO’s responded. The suspects attempted to force through the front door. An unknown vehicle was involved. No further information is available.
(Time of incident: 03h50) - Suspicious charlie males loitered around and made a nuisance of themselves by selling fish at the Total Energies on the cnr of Robert Broom Drive and Lud Hersch Drive, Noordheuwel. Patrollers responded. They were requested to leave the area.
(Time of incident: 11h55) - Children made a nuisance of themselves by begging on the cnr of Robert Broom Drive and Valley View Road, Noordheuwel. Patrollers responded. All was in order, as their parents were present and they obtained permission from Public Safety.
(Time of incident: 12h35) - A suspicious white VW Polo loitered in Bell Avenue, Rangeview. Patrollers and RO’s were notified.
(Time of incident: 13h00) - A veld fire broke out next to Firebush Street, Rangeview. The fire got into a residence, and a tenant extinguished it. The Fire Department and Patrollers responded. The fire was monitored.
(Time of incident: 15h20) - A veld fire broke out next to Rudd Street, Noordheuwel. Patrollers and RO’s responded. On arrival, the fire was already extinguished.
(Time of incident: 18h50) - A MVC (motor vehicle collision) occurred on the cnr of Robert Broom Drive and Lud Hersch Drive, Noordheuwel. Towing services were on scene. No serious injuries were reported and the scene was cleared.
(Time of incident: 19h15) - An unknown vehicle drove dangerously in Bell Drive, Noordheuwel. Patrollers responded. The vehicle was found and all details and information were reported to SAPS and Public Safety.
(Time of incident: 19h25) - Residents were a nuisance to neighbors by playing loud music in Weston Street, Noordheuwel. A RO responded. The situation was calmed down and all was found in order.
(Time of incident: 23h00) - A suspicious bravo male loitered around in Bell Drive, Noordheuwel. RO’s responded. All was found in order.
(Time of incident: 12h25) - A domestic disturbance occurred at a unit in Suikerbossie Complex, Sugarbush Estates on Robert Broom Drive, Noordheuwel. Patrollers and RO’s responded. The situation calmed down and a charlie male was escorted from the premises.
(Time of incident: 14h30) - Illegal dumping of garden rubble was noted across the Jehovah’s Witness Tower on Robert Broom Drive, Noordheuwel.
(Time of incident: Unknown) - A suspicious bravo male loitered around in Red Thorn Street, Rangeview. RO’s responded. He already left the area.
(Time of incident: 03h15)
Please report any incidents to SAPS and our CPF office at: 072 425 0121 for any assistance and forward your SAPS case number to the CPF Office for record keeping. This will assist Patrollers and RO’s when making an arrest and possibly link the suspects with other crimes.
Kind regards,
CPF Sector 7