Daily Incident Report – Date 26 – 28 July 2024

The following incident/s were reported:

  1. A suspicious bravo male with a white Kia hatchback was parked in front of a resident in Tulbach Street, Kenmare. RO’s responded. The vehicle already left.
    (Time of incident: 08h08)
  2. Beggars were harassing motorist at the traffic light at Valley View, Noordheuwel. A RO responded and the beggars left the area.
    (Time of incident: 12h30)
  3. Two males were attacked at Total Rangeview. Patrollers, RO’s and SAPS responded. The scene was cleared.
    (Time of incident: 14h10)
  4. Medical assistance was requested for a resident in Simon Bekker Drive. Ambulance was dispatched.
    (Time of incident: 15h25)
  5. A bravo male and bravo female were fighting in Libertas Street, Noordheuwel. RO’s responded and they left the area.
    (Time of incident: 16h24)
  6. Medical assistance was requested for a resident in Weston Street, Noordkruin. Patrollers, RO’s and EMS responded.
    (Time of incident: 15h20)
  7. Two bravo males wearing gloves were seen loitering and looking into yards in Rudd Street, Noordheuwel. RO’s responded but they already left the area.
    (Time of incident: 19h00)
  8. A report of Domestic Violence in Libertas Street was received. Patrollers and RO’s responded but could not find any evidence.
    (Time of incident: 19h20)
  9. A male assaulted a female on the cnr of Lud Hersch Drive and Robert Broom Drive, Noordheuwel. RO’s responded and on arrival the male left the scene.
    (Time of incident: 01h50)
  10. Bravo males drinking at the park in Elliot Street and making trouble. Patrollers and RO’s responded, and they were asked to leave.
    (Time of incident: 17h45)
  11. A suspicious blue golf was driving up and down in James Street and Ross Street, Noordheuwel. RO’s responded to monitor.
    (Time of incident: 18h20)
  12. A suspicious white Ford Ranger with a bravo male and female inside was standing at the dead-end of Rice Street. A RO responded and asked them to leave the area.
    (Time of incident: 18h23)
  13. A suspicious VW Golf/Polo was standing in front of Hoërskool Noordheuwel. A RO responded and asked them to leave the area.
    (Time of incident: 19h55)
  14. A whiskey male and two whiskey females made a nuisance of themselves in Wilde Street. A RO responded and asked them to leave and go home.
    (Time of incident: 01h40)

Please report any incidents to SAPS and our CPF office at: 072 425 0121 for any assistance and forward your SAPS case number to the CPF Office for record keeping. This will assist Patrollers and RO’s when making an arrest and possibly link the suspects with other crimes.

Kind regards,
CPF Sector 7

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